How can i restore my old database?

Holger Klatt
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October 6, 2023

Our company bought the atlassian-confluence-7.18.1 software and hosted it for round about 1.5 years on a local server.

All of a sudden confluence would not work any more. Our Dev-Ops coworker found out that the mysql driver that was used would not work anymore and he needed to update the driver that has to be found in /confluence/WEB-INF/lib.

The problem is that he only found out by reinstalling the very same version of the confluence binaries. But now we have some serious problems.

Our coworker created a backup.sql dump file to restore the old data after installing confluence again.
But confluence responds with an error saying that the database was used by another confluence and it wont allow to use this particular database.

How can we restore our confluence data? The sql dumps are our only backup data available.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 6, 2023

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

My guess is that your coworker created the database dump while Confluence was running, so it contains a flag that says "This database is in use by a Confluence".  So restoring the dump gives you a data set that thinks it is locked.

But there are other reasons it can happen, so I can't be sure that my guess is the actual problem.

Work your way through - this includes many possible ways to get and fix this problem, including my guess.

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