How can I opt out of advertising?

Gary Finnigan May 30, 2018

I have read your policy, followed your links, but I can't find the controls you say are there to control what data is kept on me and what it is used for. 
I wish to reject anything except that which is necessary fro Confluence and Hipchat to work an I definitely do not want any advertising. 
So it would be much appreciated if someone could pint to this tool that supposedly exists but I can't find?

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Deleted user May 30, 2018

Hi @Gary Finnigan,

Found the information on the footer of the Atlassian page under Privacy Policy, not sure if this is what you require: 

Opt out of communications: You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us by using the unsubscribe link within each email, updating your email preferences within your Service account settings menu, or by contacting us as provided below to have your contact information removed from our promotional email list or registration database.  Even after you opt out from receiving promotional messages from us, you will continue to receive transactional messages from us regarding our Services. You can opt out of some notification messages in your account settings. 

Contact Us

Your information is controlled by Atlassian Pty Ltd and Atlassian, Inc.  If you have questions or concerns about how your information is handled, please direct your inquiry to Atlassian Pty Ltd, which we have appointed to be responsible for facilitating such inquiries or, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area, please contact our EU Representative.

Atlassian Pty Ltd
c/o Atlassian, Inc.
1098 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

EU Representative:

Atlassian B.V.
c/o Atlassian, Inc.
1098 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Hope this helps

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