Create a form that either creates a page with updates a a page

Alex Moyer April 26, 2024

In essence I want to create a form that either creates a page with data from the forms entries or updates the data on a page.


I am working on creating a form used to set the agenda of a meeting or create minutes for that meeting.

I have two fields that are constant:

Date of the meeting

Action to preform: Set Agenda or Take Meeting Minutes

Task 1:

The idea is if you set a date that is unique and select Set Agenda you will have fields unhidden to set your agenda with. When you submit the form it will create a page which uses these fields on it and contains empty fields to be filled later for the meeting minutes.

Task 2:

When you set a date that match with a already submitted date and select Take Meeting Minutes you will have fields unhidden that correspond with fields to hold meeting minutes in. When you submit the form now it will update the entries that correspond with the date, thus updating the data on the page spoken about above.


I know how to achieve Task 1, but I am not quite sure how to do task 2. I believe I would create an IFTTT that fires based on the value in the Action to preform field and references the date of meeting field to update the correct entry. I'm just not sure how to. I have referenced: Create (Update) Confiforms Entry but have note been successful in my attempts to complete this.


Help would be greatly appreciated!

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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April 27, 2024

Hi @Alex Moyer 

Why do you want to update the page itself in the task 2 and not just the data in ConfiForms? 

When you use ConfiForms macros you get the data on the pages that use the form, always up to date.

If you want to have dynamically shown sections in the created page and you are on a data center version of ConfiForms then consider using ConfiForms IFMatches macros to have those


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