Connecting Confluence using llama_index document loader

Saroj Sahu
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July 18, 2024

Hi I am trying to access my company confluence data through a space and page ids using llama_index confluence loader. Its asking for thise below dictionary . I am getting SSL error with below exact error when using python . Here i am passing my user access token and token type as Bearer, But i am not sure what is client Id as in my compay concluence no option showing where client id is provided. 



token = {"access_token": "<access_token>", "token_type": "<token_type>"}

oauth2_dict = {"client_id": "<client_id>", "token": token}

reader = ConfluenceReader(base_url=base_url, cloud=True, oauth2=oauth2_dict)

documents = reader.load_data(space_key=space_key, include_attachments=True, page_status='current')


under this lib its using this code - 


llama_index/llama-index-integrations/readers/llama-index-readers-confluence/llama_index/readers/confluence/ at main · run-llama/llama_index · GitHub

Is my approach is correct how do i add Oauth in my company confluence I am not sure . Anyone can help ?

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