Confluence SharePoint 1.4 adapter with Linux WSS SharePoint 2007.

Doug Earp September 8, 2011

Will the SharePoint 1.4 adapter work with Confluence installed on a Linux platform with WSS SharePoint 2007 using https?

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Joe Clark
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 8, 2011

Yes, we support deploying the SharePoint Connector on a Linux host.

You'll need to make sure that Confluence is configured to trust the SSL certificate from SharePoint (see

Support NTLM when running on Linux is limited, though (in particular, NTLMv2 and Kerberos may be troublesome to get working). Since you're using HTTPS, you should look at downgrading the password encryption on your SharePoint site to NTLMv1 or HTTP Basic Authentication to ensure a trouble-free integration.

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