Confluence - How can I print the document I added

Resul ÇÖREKÇİ September 6, 2018

How can I print the document I added

I have multiple documents that I have added to the page I want to see them first and print them later. How can I do it. Thank you


3 answers

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Scott Theus
Rising Star
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September 7, 2018

Hi Resul,

I think I see what you are doing...the options I shared were for pages in Confluence, and it looks like you are printing files that are attachments to pages. Is that correct? 

If so...Do you have the option to edit the file? 

FIle 1.JPG




FIle 2.JPG

If so then you should get a pop-up window in the application the file was saved as and then be able to print from there.

File 3.JPG


If you are unable to edit the file so that it opens in it's original application (Excel, Power Point, etc.) then you'll need to download it to your local workstation, open it up, and print it from there. 


Resul ÇÖREKÇİ September 7, 2018

Thank you for your support, the solution helped in reaching.

0 votes
Resul ÇÖREKÇİ September 6, 2018

Hi Scott,

First of all thank you for the info;

The first option prints the entire page, so I needed to strip it because it did not print the document.

I did not see the options you were talking about on the second and third options.

I'm using the attachements macro and need to use another macro I guess to print the files. In the evening I solved the problem by using the browser's PDF viewer The settings are opened in the format of the browser, not in the Confluence format. It seems to me, but

I'm using the options you're talking about and wondering which one will be more efficient. What scrolls can you share?

Thanks again for your help.


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Scott Theus
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 6, 2018

Hi Resul,

You should be able to print them from your browser. If you are using Chrome you can click on the vertical ellipses in the top right corner of the browser window (next to the address bar) and select Print. You'll get a preview of the document so you can view it before you decide whether to print it or not. 

You can also use the horizontal ellipses (...) in the top right corner of the Confluence page to export it as a PDF.

Finally, if you want to see the changes to a document before you publish them click the ellipses in the bottom right corner and select "View Changes." That will show you a pop-up with all the unpublished changes in the document. You can't, however, print from that pop-up window.   

Hope this helps, 


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