Confluence 6.1.3 AD Sync broken everytime after exactly 28.800sec

Ronald Reskowski September 7, 2018

Hey all,

we are not able to sync our AD with confluence.
Sync only runs once and after that it tries to sync for exactly 28.800sec...
We need to disable it and create a new sync. After that it runs one time only to crash again.

Every help would be much appreciated.


ERROR [read-only-transaction:thread-1] [engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper] logExceptions Communications link failure
The last packet successfully received from the server was 28.800.600 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 28.800.600 milliseconds ago.


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Charlie Misonne
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September 7, 2018

Hi Ronald

Looking at your log snippet it's probably a database issue. Any chance you are on MySQL?

Take a look at this knowledge base article and try the different resolutions.

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