Capturing Confluence Page comments as a JIRA ticket

Krishna M V June 16, 2023

I have multiple confluence pages capturing designs. These get reviewed by different stakeholders & comments are added. I want to capture each review comment as a JIRA ticket (Task) in a specific project to make sure that review comments don't get missed. Is it possible to do this with a plugin? or is this directly supported - if yes - how?

Currently, I am aware that it is possible to create a JIRA tickets (Task/Bugs) from the Confluence page contents section (from both table & general text). I was not able to do the same from the comments section.

3 answers

2 votes
Atlassian Partner
December 11, 2023

Hi @Krishna M V ,

As you've mentioned, when a document is reviewed, review findings are captured in the inline comments that imply certain tasks. 

With this idea in mind, we've recently released a new feature in the Talk Advanced Inline Comments app for Confluence Data Center - Talk Tasks. With its help, you can:

  • Assign comments to certain Confluence users to highlight task ownership.
  • Kepp the comments assigned to you (your to-dos) at hand.
  • And track the task resolution that were assigned by you in Talk Report.

Also, not long ago I had a case study with one of our clients who shared how they set up their review process in Confluence. 

If you consider the workaround with inline comments, you may find this information helpful.

0 votes
Iryna Komarnitska_SaaSJet_
Atlassian Partner
June 20, 2023

Hi @Krishna M V ,

Try using Issue Creator for Jira Cloud. This is a Chrome browser extension developed by my team. It's free and allows you to create tasks from any web page, including Confluence.

In this article, I described it in more detail.

I hope you find it useful!


Krishna M V June 20, 2023

Thank you for responding. I checked your solution. This might not serve my purpose.

Best Regards.

0 votes
Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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June 16, 2023

You can do this by defining a Confluence Automation rule:

  1. trigger should be: Page or blog commented
  2. action should be: Send web request 

In 2, you should send a request to the Jira Cloud REST API "create issue" end-point.

It would be easier if there was a dedicated "Create issue" action, but it doesn't exist yet. Fortunately, the manual REST API call can replace it and it is not that difficult.

Krishna M V June 16, 2023

Thank you for your quick response.

I am using Data Center version of Confluence. Is Confluence Automation supported in this version?

Please correct me if I am wrong - From the documentation, I can see that it is supported only in Cloud Versions - (Premium & Enterprise)

Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 16, 2023

Confluence Automation is available only for Confluence Cloud, unfortunately.

On Data Center, the alternative is that you can develop an app for yourself that intercepts the "comment added" event and then calls the Jira DC REST API. But it may be quite some work. 

To reduce the work, you could create an event listener with ScriptRunner. That should be fairly easy.

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