Can you change Space name?

Shohei_komiya April 11, 2023

Hello,I'm Shohei Komiya.

Our organaization was changed, so we want to change Space name.

First, I would like to ask if it is possible to rename the space.

Second, if it can be renamed how can we rename the space.  

2 answers

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 11, 2023

Hi @Shohei_komiya 

You can rename a space if you are the space or confluence admin. Simply go to your space > space setting > space details > Edit Space Details and change the name:

change space name.png

Shohei_komiya April 11, 2023

Thank you for your help.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 11, 2023

Let me know if you managed to change the name of the space!

Shohei_komiya April 11, 2023

I changed the name of space now.

Thank you.

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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April 11, 2023

Kindly mark my answer as accepted in order to help others in the community with the same question. Thank you!

Brandon Raymaekers April 11, 2023

Hi @Shohei_komiya 


Like Alex explained, renaming is possible. An import detail about this is you can't change the Space key so this will remain the same. A solution I used is: make a new space with the correct key and move all the pages.


Kind regards


Barbara Szczesniak
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April 11, 2023

@Brandon Raymaekers when you move all the pages to the new space, does this break links between the pages (hyperlinks, excerpt includes, include pages, etc.)? That is, do they point to the old space key? Or do they all transfer to the new space key?

Do you need to move the pages for this, rather than copying them? 

Brandon Raymaekers April 11, 2023

Hi Barbara


Depending on what linking you use: there are 2 ways -> if you use plain URL's it won't and it will redirect to a wrong page or a non existing. If you use confluence linking it should change when using the move.

Kind regards


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Barbara Szczesniak
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April 12, 2023

Thank you, @Brandon Raymaekers 

I also found this article, which I'm hoping is still accurate and the process for a Cloud space is not very different from server or data center: How to copy or rename a space in Confluence 

It doesn't sound like this will copy my page templates, but I'm hoping that I can use my original space to draft/review/edit/update for next release and then copy the approved pages to the second space for public viewing. If I have to move the page for the links to work, I guess it's better to move the approved content and then sort out how to get the page back to my original space.

I will plan to use only Confluence linking, but I am using an Inclusions Library for all my screenshots with Include Page macros where I want to insert them. I'm hoping that our Knowledge Base site will be able to use them also. Since this will only be the target of the Include Page macro, I'm hoping that I will be able to just copy these pages between the spaces.

It's really hard to use one space for drafting/updating and public viewing, since you can't create a child page unless you publish the parent page. I'm hoping that the existence of paid plug-ins to handle this type of thing doesn't mean that it is too complicated to do on my own.

1 vote
Sushant Verma
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April 11, 2023

Hi @Shohei_komiya 

Welcome to the community!

If you have space admin privileges, you can change your space name via following:

  1. Go to the space in Confluence.

  2. Select Space Settings from the sidebar.

  3. Select Space details from the Manage space card.

  4. To edit the space name:

    1. Select Edit Space Details and type in a new name.

    2. Select Save.

Note : You should only be able to rename the SpaceName. This won't break anything as it is not used in any links, macros, etc.

However renaming the SpaceKey would potentially break a lot within that space, in other spaces pointing to this space, etc.

Sushant Verma

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