Can I use non-ascii letters like æ, ø, å in space names

jarl-dk February 5, 2019

Is it possible to use non-ascii characters like æ, ø, å in space names and space keys?



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 6, 2019

Hello there Jarl!

You should be able to create spaces with non-ASCII letters:

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 11.04.00.png

However, could you clarify a few points for us:

  1. Are you facing issues when you try to create spaces with such characters?
  2. Are you able to create spaces without non-ASCII characters?
  3. Has this worked at some point in the past?
  4. What are your results after running the Encoding Test?

If you never ran the Encoding Test, you can find more information about it here:

Troubleshooting Character Encodings

Let us know your thoughts on this!

jarl-dk February 6, 2019

In your screenshot it is not possible to see the space KEY. The KEY is used in the URL among other things, can the space key also contain non-ascii letters?

jarl-dk February 6, 2019

I ask because my admin that is creating the space says that confluence does not support æ,ø, å in the URL for the space. The URL contains the key, right?

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 6, 2019

Alright, thanks for clarifying that Jarl!

As your admin noticed, you can not use non-ASCII characters as Space Key:

Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 12.10.37.png

And yes, when you create a page within Confluence, that page's link will contain the Space Key in it. Such as:


This page is within the space I created earlier. The Space Key was automatically set as AEA due to the fact that the Space Name is set as æøå.


So no, the Space Key or URL will not / can not contain non-ASCII characters

jarl-dk February 6, 2019

Thanks for clarifying.

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