Can I update one calendar with an event and have it automatically update other calendars?

Karl Reading
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August 13, 2018

I am part of several teams. When I want to take time off, I need to let the teams I support know that I'll be gone. I currently do so by visiting each of their respective team's pages to update their calendars.

Is there a way to have my own personal calendar that will update other calendars so I only have to make one entry?

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Suren Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2018

Hi Karl,

Adding an event to multiple calendars as you describe has been requested in this suggestion ticket: Ability to add one event to multiple calendars. The ticket is public so you may comment and/or vote to let the development team know you are interested. If you vote or comment you will be added as a watcher and notified of progress.



Suren Raj

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