Attachments not found

Arantxa Lacasa Madero May 10, 2012

All of the attachments in a space are now unretrievable. The error says "The attachment you were trying to download could not be found in the attachment file store. Either the file has been removed manually of there was an error in removing the record of the attachment from Confluence."

Also, when trying to download all attachment, a System Error is shown (attached).

Trying to move that space to one place was unsuccessful. Could this process have caused the attachment links to be broken? Despite the attempt to move the space, the attachments should not have been lost because an error was received.

How can I restore all attachments? None are shown now. This is really important, I would appreciate your help.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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May 10, 2012

Could you explain what you did before the error? Were you messing with the file system in some way?

Arantxa Lacasa Madero May 13, 2012

Hello Nic,

We just went into the Home page and then selected Tools, then Move, then I typed the space to move it.

There was an error that said something like "Unable to move, confluence server may be down".

And after that, all of the attachments in the space are now unretrievable. The error says "The attachment you were trying to download could not be found in the attachment file store. Either the file has been removed manually of there was an error in removing the record of the attachment from Confluence."

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 13, 2012

Ok, then you need to read the log for the time around when you moved the page - that should tell you what damage has been done. I suspect the attachments are fine, but the database records that Confluence uses to refer to them are damaged. But it's hard to tell without the log.

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