Archived Space still showing in Spaces and in search results

PL December 24, 2023

I have confluence premium-- i archived a space and it's still showing in my SPACES section and also bringing up pages when I type in SEARCH. How do I actually archive these? What does archive mean if not remove from search & spaces?

2 answers

2 votes
Jack Brickey
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December 24, 2023

Hi @PL , that doesn't sound right for sure. Once archived, a space should be hidden from the basic navigation and search unless specifically requested. Here is an article discussing how archiving works. archive-a-space 

0 votes
Lisa Gleinzer June 3, 2024

I was having the same issue. It seems that if you follow the steps in the article posted by Jack Brickey, the archive functions properly. If you try to use more actions (...) then archive it doesn't work properly.

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