Alternative to the Confluence glossary macro

Henning Gullaksen
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December 13, 2024


Is there a good alternative to the Glossary plugin? My company had to disable it due to performance issues and it will not be enabled again.


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Melek Jebnoun_Vectors_
Atlassian Partner
December 13, 2024

Hello @Henning Gullaksen 

Welcome to Atlassian Community :)

Not sure what's the App you are using ? I would suggest to specify the App and the macro structure in order to get the right help.

This said, if it's our App, Glossary for Confluence, That's an other story :D I'm Vectors' CPO and I would be really pleased to assist you in identifing the origin of the latency and performance issues you're having. We have assisted a lot of customers in optimizing their glossaries either in DC or Cloud to optimize performance. Sometimes it depends on small actions on Glossary structure, themes used, database etc.

Now removing my vendor's hat, I think it can be challenging especially in big companies to manage a glossary via Confluence native features. You can add the terms in a page by you don't have:

  • Filtering options
  • You need to maintain the pages to avoid errors.
  • Highlight terms in other pages

So if your a small company that would fit and can be managed but for being +10 years to manage glossary thematics in Confluence DC and Cloud it can quickly go out of control by using Confluence pages.

Again if related to our App, I would be pleased to discuss this with you and check how we can assist you specifically.



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