A Tale of two Jira instances and one Confluence instance

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June 18, 2024


so my company has one big Confluence instance, which in turn is connected to two separate Jira instances. This rather bizarre constellation is due to the organizational structure (subsidiary with own jira). But hey, it works.

There is one little caveat which really bugs me, and even our consultant says there is no solution. I constantly get a notification to authorize the Jira instance of the subsidiary. I do not even have the proper permissions to do so. I'm pretty sure this can be avoided somehow. Can anybody share any light on this?



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Kristian Klima
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June 18, 2024

Hi @sseifried and Welcome to the Community.

I have experience with two Confluences and one Jira on both the Server and the Cloud.

Sharing my experience hoping it might point you in a viable direction.

I get a similar message (in English) in the following scenario.

I have a Jira ticket with 5 users somehow involved. Out of those 5 users, 3 have access to both Confluences (let's call them A and B), 2 can only access on Confluence B.

When I share a link to Confluence A, Jira prompts me to authorize/give access to those two individuals who can only access Confluence B.


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June 18, 2024

Hi @Kristian Klima

thanks for taking the time to give such a detailled answer.

So, your explanation makes perfect sense to me. And, I'm pretty sure that it is not feasible to completely separate our companies confluence instance in two isolated areas only serving a single jira. Given that fact, there is probably no way to permanently discard this notification?

From my experience, every time I discard this message ("Verwerfen" button), it eventually pops up again after some time. Which is the reason why I find this notification so annoying. From my understanding of your explanation, I assume that the notification is retriggered as soon as new content (involving both jira instances) is created. Which makes logical sense, but is still annoying to me.

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