404 error in communication between JIRA and Confluence - JIM version issue - How to downgrade

Stephen August 13, 2015


I'm trying to insert a JIRA Macro in my confluence page but I get a 404 error from JIRA.

In the logs: 

août 13, 2015 2:37:52 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve custom
FINE: Processing ErrorPage[errorCode=404, location=/fourohfour.action]

It's weird as I'm using JIRA gadgets and the link between COnfluence and JIRA is set to allow a trusted communication.

I'm also able to use the JIRA macro (not external gadgets) when I'm filling the input field with the xml url that corresponds to a list of results (issues).

When I try to paste a JIRA url in the input field of the JIRA macro it is immediatly changed in keywords, and the communication is broken, resulting in a 404 error in the macro window...

Can someone help me on this? Is it a performance issue?

Confluence 5.6.6

JIRA v4.4#649-r158309

 JIRA Macro downgraded to 4.0.29 instead of 5.6.2 as not working otherwise.

Many thanks for your help.



3 answers

0 votes
Stephen October 7, 2015


0 votes
Stephen August 17, 2015

Can anyone help? I'm an Atlassian user and I've suscribed to the maintenance until the end of the year.


0 votes
Stephen August 16, 2015

Can anyone help?

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