If you are a Confluence Server user, your first 1-on-1 meeting with Confluence Cloud will be memorable. I remember staring into the screen with thoughts similar to "They took everything from me!" and "This approach is way TOO modern." But then, duty calls, no time for moaning if you want to get the job done.
The new Confluence Editor is like a new box for an old cat - you first need to observe the things a little bit, then jump to explore all the new features.
Each of my million pages has at least one table, and I can navigate through the table menu with my eyes closed. Remember the Server experience? When you initially create a table, a drop-down menu appears, and you can customize it with your desired dimensions. The only thing you can change physically on your existing table is dragging the borders left and right if you prefer fixed widths.
The new experience is entirely different. The second thing you'll notice, after the surprise of auto-creating a symmetric responsive table after a push of a button, is the fear of not having a drop-down.
And now what!?
Part of the massive functional redesign is allowing the user to add it's desired features directly to the table with 100% visibility of the results, no vision distractions from continually moving your sight from table to menu to table. Being able to focus on your elements instead of what icon to click to add heading column is a very comforting feeling.
Masters of Order - finally, our time has come! Having non-equal columns in my tables was a massive pain for me. The new table is always fully responsive and resized to perfection, no matter your efforts to make it a mess. ♡
Adding additional rows and columns - never been easier!
You now can add rows and columns with the speed of light (as well as remove them). With the transparent navigation and dropdown on each click, the new editor is leaving nothing to chance. Yes, it takes some time for you to adapt to the building block structure, but once you've jumped on this train, there is no turning back.
Fully customizable
Unleash your creativity with the new table customization options. Highlight, mark, or send your colleagues a message, as simple as that:
Test for yourself and make your next team report better! :)
Teodora V _Fun Inc_
Putting Pieces Together @ Fun Inc
Fun Inc
Sofia, Bulgaria
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