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Emojis now display in table of contents macro πŸ˜€

Hello Community,

I’m Erik Gui, a frontend developer working on Confluence Cloud. I am excited to share with you a recent improvement that may add a spark to your page.  

Have you ever tried adding an emoji or custom emoji inside your headings, hit publish, but only to find that the emojis aren’t appearing inside your table of contents macro?  

Wait where did my parrot go?

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 10.52.47 AM.png

Worry no more, emojis and custom emojis are now supported inside the table of contents macro! Simply add the desired emoji to your headings and they will also appear inside the table of contents!

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 10.46.16 AM.png

Give it a try! Hopefully this small trick could make your pages more delightful! Stay tuned for more delightful features like this and leave any feedback below.


Krzysztof Kot April 14, 2021 edited

This appears to also pick up actual images that have been mistakenly added in-line with a heading (even though on the actual page the image and heading appear to be on separate lines). It's an easy enough fix once spotted but it appears that this frivolous change is set to create more work cleaning up existing pages.

image (89).png

Like β€’ Alex Fox likes this
Alex Fox
April 15, 2021

Great catch, @Krzysztof Kot - something I would have hoped Atlassian would have found during QA :(

Jens Koester April 15, 2021

And now a Button to disable all emojis. In Confluence and Jira.

Like β€’ Maria AarΓΈe Sannes likes this
Steven Poling April 21, 2021

Great feature, thank you! Some of the prebuilt / template pages used emojis in their own construction, so it was odd to have them not appear at the top of the page with the ToC. Appreciate the addition!


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