Yes, this feature is already included in your daily digest! View changes link should take you directly to the version changes of your page history displaying the differences between the version over the course of the day.
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2023 edited
@Laurie Hickey Thanks for the feedback- although it is true that you will have to watch the pages/spaces that you care about in Daily Digest, we are coming out with a new email settings page - this settings page will allow you to choose where you get your watched notifications- so you can put them into your Daily Digest only and not receive any real time notifications or you can even pick out what type you want to see where (ie. I only want to see comments but not page updates in real time). Stay tuned!
How do we petition Atlassian product team to NOT REMOVE the Confluence Changes e-mail notification feature??
Atlassian has just announced (another) price increase under the argument that they are investing in product improvements. But here we have a product feature that is actually working and serving many user needs – just read the several case examples mentioned here in the comments!
If you are going to make improvements to the Daily Digest feature, that is fine, but don't tell us to "Stay Tuned" while you remove a working feature when these new features are not yet available.
Please do escalate this request up to the Product Development team and don't remove the Confluence Changes in the last 24-hours e-mail announcements message!
It still sounds like I have to do a lot of work to get the Daily Digest to give me the same content as "Confluence Changes in the last 24 hours". I'm going to have to select "Watch" on every space I have access too and then I have to go the email settings (per space?) and make sure to turn off the instant notifications. Also I don't like the formatting of the Daily Digest compared to "Confluence Changes". Its not cleaner.
(Remaining) Daily Digest and (previous) Changes in the last 24 hoursDO NOT CONTAIN SAME CONTENT:
Missing in Daily Digest are:
changes in all spaces which I am not explicitely watching - one of the most important information, as I get watched page changed anyhow already directly per email!
changes I made the day before, as these get filtered out - not nice, but somehow acceptable
How can I still get day by day an overview what's going on in the company - especially in areas I am not involved deeply = not watching them?
Can you please delay this change until the new settings page is out and it contains an option to monitor all spaces, not just the ones I am watching? We have dozens of spaces; I don't even know what they all are, but I like scanning the email to see what's going on around the company.
I'd also like an option to control the format of the Daily Digest to make it more compact, so I can more quickly scan it like I can do with the "Confluence changes" email.
@Ed Burnette - I 100% agree! We need to have a fully functioning replacement for our current (working) tool before Altassian turns it off. With no disclosed timeline, I have to expect that the ability to opt out of "the email flood" is scheduled to happen after the 24-hour changes email is turned off, which is just not acceptable. And the price increase notice at the same time is just obnoxious. Without more information - there appears to be no valid reason to remove a working tool.
I turned on the Daily Digest today and watched a bunch of spaces, and now I'm getting inundated with emails about people commenting on pages and editing them. I just want a once-a-day email listing all the pages that were touched over the past 24 hours; how do I do that?
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 20, 2023 edited
@Ed Burnette I'd love to understand your use case a bit better, do you mind if I setup some time with you to chat?
The new settings page (profile--> settings--> email) will be released gradually in the next couple of weeks, and we will not sunset the "Confluence changes" until then.
However, there is no settings to watch/monitor all the spaces within your tenant, you would need to go and watch spaces that you're interested in for them to show up in your daily digest. You will need to select Daily Digest and all included options, and once you have new settings you can turn off all the real time notifications so that all the updates only come into your Digest.
Also curious if you have used your Home feed to check out things happening around in the entire company.
The Confluence changes in the last 24 hours mail is an useful tool, especially as an org admin or as an interested employee to have an overview of which spaces are currently active and which are not, and thus to have an overview of the big picture.
It's insane that I'm now supposed to monitor all Confluence spaces so that the Daily Digest email has any use at all and have to do that for every new space created.
What's wrong with letting both notifications continue to run, as has been the case up to now?
Finally, the new Daily Digest Mail is supposed to deliver for normal users what the Confluence changes in the 24 hours Mail already does, namely summarize information on a daily basis.
I can understand that the "normal user" is only interested in the spaces that he observes, but especially for people who take care of a Confluence instance, the Confluene changes in the last 24 hours mail is actually indispensable.
Regarding the Home feed, it would require me to check the site daily, plus it's in a verbose format that I'd have to page through. My workflow is directed by emails.
Comparing this morning's Daily Digest and Changes in the Last 24 Hours e-mails: D/D informed me of 1 change; it's missing a few 10's of entries, compared to the other.
Frankly, the D/D e-mail is an awful substitute for the info I'm after
It's the old, if it's not broken, why not break it approach.
I get both the daily digest and the 24 hours changes email and it's pretty clear they don't remotely contain the same amount of information... so why do this? Why get rid of a perfectly functional email?
There's not even a single motivation for the change in this announcement.
Someone wants to improve the daily digest... then go for it. There's no point in cancelling the 24 hours change email for everyone like that. This kind of decision making is truly fascinating.
we will not sunset the "Confluence changes" until then.
to mean that there is a commitment to Not Eliminate the Confluence Changes e-mail within the September time frame as stated in the current header of each e-mail:
⚠ Notice: Confluence will no longer send this email effective end of September 2023.
If so, can you please remove this notice from the e-mail heading?
As can be clearly seen in this thread – and with the multiple "Likes" that my comments above have received – there is a strong customer sentiment that the simple, clean, and comprehensive Confluence Changes notification feature should be kept active indefinitely, and that there is no rational for eliminating a valuable feature that customers are currently using to make more effective use of your platform.
I hope that Atlassian can use this as an opportunity to demonstrate that you do actually respond to customer use-cases, and that you are not just out to F*** the Customer.
Joining my voice to those objecting to removing the last 24 hours email. I've had both for awhile, and I regularly delete the daily digest email in favor of the 24 hours one for much the same reasons as stated by many others:
Divided by space
Eyes on multiple spaces without having to individually "watch" everything
Compact display for each section (the way that the daily digest is spread out is horribly inefficient, not "cleaner")
Newly added users update, which I use as reference to confirm that new users have successfully gotten in with their invite as our employee base is spread across multiple locations
The 24 hours email is an incredibly useful tool that I consult every day. The daily digest as it exists is not an acceptable replacement, and nothing I've read here has been reassuring that it can become so.
to mean that there is a commitment to Not Eliminate the Confluence Changes e-mail within the September time frame as stated in the current header of each e-mail
No, all this means is that we will not sunset this email until everyone receives the new email settings page - which will be rolled out next week. This way you can customize what you want to receive in both immediate and Digest emails. The 24 hours email is still being sunset.
Looking over the last few days at the "daily digest" even for spaces I watch - not all changes in these spaces appear in the digest - will this be fixed before you stop publishing the "Confluence changes in the last 24 hours" which does have those items in it. ?
Be good to get an answer on this ?
Still waiting for an answer and seeing more cases of this - why is the "daily digest" not picking up all changes to 'spaces' I watch ?
Still not getting all the changes in a space - happy to show someone if anyone wants to make the daily digest more usable.
Getting annoying now - anyone got a good solution to this ?
As already mentioned, the “Changes in the last 24 hours” function is very helpful and a good feature. It also increased the adoption of Confluence within the company by greatly reducing the number of email notifications.
It's no problem for me to improve tools or introduce new ones. But it should be guaranteed that the new feature offers at least the same function as before.
Hello. Apparently, users of our space cannot subscribe to the digest, the "Subscribe to" section has nothing but two inactive windows that are not clickable at all even while editing the settings of the page. What might be causing this?
This is a very bad decision.Daily 24h emails were the easiest and most pleasant way to keep up with everything without constantly being spammed by confluence or having to subscribe to everything manually.