Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hello, Whiteboards Enthusiasts! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. As we step into the new year, we're thrilled to introduce a bunch of new updates we’ve made over the last few months to Confluence Whiteboards. Dive in and explore what's new!
Bring your Miro content to Confluence whiteboards and collaborate seamlessly with your team. Import your whiteboards from Miro into Confluence to unlock features like smart connectors, smart sections, real-time editing, and experience brainstorming and collaboration like never before. Plus, keep everything organized with your whiteboards conveniently stored alongside your other Confluence content. You can read more about how to export your Miro files here!
We know we’ve already told you about voting, but wanted to share the great news that you can now run anonymous voting sessions and mark yourself as done to help make facilitation even easier!
Ever accidentally deleted content or added things to your whiteboard you just didn’t need? We’ve been working on making our experience smoother by introducing a history feature that allows you to track changes and revert to up to 30 days worth of previous versions of your whiteboard.
You’ll be able to identify who added each sticky note with our new author feature, making collaboration more transparent.
We’re enhancing our public links capabilities and making it possible to edit them too, allowing external partners or clients to contribute without needing a Confluence account.
Customize your lines however you need (even making them curvy!) and move the label around to better represent relationships and data flow in your diagrams.
We’ve also been looking at making even small experiences better for you all! Some of the improvements we’ve made over the last few months include:
stopping smart sections from actioning on page load
making section titled easily draggable
Enabled Confluence level shortcuts to be available on whiteboards when you’re not updating text
As well as…
Line Snapping Improvements
We now lines are super important and sometimes you just need a bit more flexibility so we:
Added snapping to the edge of a sticky note from inside
Enabled self-referring connections so you can now stand and end from the same element
Snap to Background (holding down shift)
Enhance your design precision by snapping elements to the background grid when holding down the shift key.
Import All Jira Issues
Easily import all your Jira issues (up to 1000 issues) into Confluence whiteboards with the simple check, making it simpler to work visually through your planning and prioritisation.
Zoom Improvements
Experience sleeker zooming capabilities, allowing you to focus on the details or get an overview of your entire whiteboard effortlessly without cluttering your screen with more buttons.
Vertical Text Alignment
Align your text vertically to better fit your design needs and improve the readability of your whiteboards.
Some of these features are still waiting for their release tracks date for our bundled users, so if you don't quite have the capability yet check with your admin if you get bundled or continuous releases!
We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements! Let us know any feedback.
Thanks for the heads up @Amanda Barber ! Images should be fixed now 🙂
@Em Ditchfield power packed update! I'm excited about the note authors and shapeable lines - both of those enhancements will really improve my current (and future) Whiteboards!
I personally need to spend more time in Whiteboards. I default to creating pages for all of my content when I KNOW that Whiteboards are sometimes the better medium to work with for some of my projects and processes.
Fantastic update! You've really addressed most the main issues / concerns with adopting the tool that I've heard from my people. The one remaining concern was around grouping, and bulk re-sizing of shapes.
I have a concern around only having a 30-day history as this would not be accepted in government circles. It would be great if in the next iteration of this feature we can flag specific versions as important so that they are not deleted. Perhaps let us "publish" a draft whiteboard and capture a long-term version at that point. Users will already be familiar with the concepts due to how pages work.
I think it's time for me to start promoting whiteboards again.
I'm happy to see continued progress on features to Whiteboards. In particular, the history feature will be good for me. I can work around the 30-day limit as I am most concerned with the last two weeks as we work through our sprints and how we use sticky notes to represent tasks.
I feel I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't chime in here about the hope for a Table feature sometime very soon. That would be the last addition that I can think of that would make Whiteboards as functional as Miro was for us.
Please consider adding Tables very soon!
@Tim_Sullivan I can confirm we are most definitely talking tables 🙂 stay tuned!
wooow ... looks like the development team hear for all the requests.
Thanks Atlassian!!!!
Thanks @Em Ditchfield Looks amazing!!! I think with this we may move many users away form other white-boarding and diagramming tools ....
YES! :) Awesome! :) usability features over AI bonuses.
Love vertical text alignment, zoom improvements, snapping, customizable lines <3 usage will be much more friendly now, thank you!
Would love to have more control over fonts, sizes of arrows, group resize. But it is going very fine direciton, awesome work
Going to explore now that moving from Miro is becoming easier.
This is great stuff
Now there should be possibility to draw processes based on RACI model. Here is example and good tool to understand good process modeling concept Map your Business - 2c8
Oh to be an anonymous panda during a retrospective- with great power comes great responsibility.
@Em Ditchfield , thanks for sharing. I have just joined the group here. My goal is to better understand how Whiteboards can benefit me and my teams. I have played around with the feature a bit and find it interesting and fun (?) but I haven't really incorporated into daily use. Most of what I have done is to create a static drawing rather than a collaborative whiteboard. I hope to learn from others to see how I might take advantage of the feature more completely.