Can hide people directory in Confluence Cloud?

Deleted user June 20, 2018

Hi everyone.

Is possible to hide People Directory feature or hiding users on People Directory in Confluence Cloud?



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2018

Hi there,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

It's possible making the People Directory less visible on your instance. As the process is made by the Support team, I opened a ticket for you with us that should be reaching you soon.

Also, we have the following feature requests that may interest you:

- CONFCLOUD-1882 - Restricting access to user names and profiles
- CONFCLOUD-7837 - People Directory and "controlled" privacy / configure access to People Directory depending on Group membership

You may add yourself as a watcher to the pages above, voting to increase their popularity. More information about how Atlassian implements New Features can be found in this page.

Best regards,

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