Your Team's Plans for Compass

Ben Ciani
September 21, 2021

I wanted to start a discussion with everyone testing out Compass to see how your team plans to leverage Compass?

On our end, we are looking at leveraging it as part of an onboarding strategy/emergency issue cheat sheet. The idea behind our approach is to allow Compass to be a single source of truth to hopefully increase onboarding speed and reduce response times to issues as team members are now able to easily find out their own questions or reach out to those who are in the know.

Would ultimately be curious to hear if anyone else has thought of, or looking into a different way to leverage this tool for their teams that they want to share?


6 answers

3 votes
Will Le
September 21, 2021

We'd like to use it to measure the health of our products / services including: 


  • Service uptime for the month
    • Measured against incident disruptions in JSM (with input from OpsGenie) 
    • Measured against deployment frequency via Software and JSM (CI/CD pipelines)
  • Scorecards to gain an overall "health" of the service e.g.: 
    • Number of incidents per month 
    • Successful deployments per month
    • Defects recorded for that particular product / service vs how many incidents / problems are recorded against that service 
    • and so on.... 
2 votes
Massimo Siani
September 21, 2021

We also plan to use it as an emergency cheat sheet.

Moreover, I'd like to play with its extensions and see if we can grab the latest versions of our dependencies and show which services need updates.

0 votes
Harald Sømnes Hanssen
December 13, 2021

The nightmare is currently confluence is keeping "the truth", which is not connected to any of the ongoing activities.

Our problem is that our infrastructure is only on-premise (since we're in healthcare). And it does not look like compass will be available for anything other than Cloud.

Managing our development activities in an application that keeps record, would be awesome. I really hope Atlassian Compass comes out in an on-premise solution soon.

0 votes
Massimo Siani
October 6, 2021

We have a shared doc that we try to maintain. It's not handy, because you have to share it with newcomers, tell them to bookmark its address, get no notification in case it's updated...

0 votes
Kelvin Yap
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2021

@[deleted] @Massimo Siani love the idea of using Compass as an 'emergency cheat sheet'! Do you have a cheat sheet your teams use today, or a tool that helps you out in a similar way?

0 votes
Ben Ciani
September 22, 2021

Ah! That's a good idea, we were looking to map X Application as an area that is dependent on Y service, but being able to include the exact dependency number/version would be very handy!

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