Want to try managing on-call schedules and alerts from Compass?

Josh Campbell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2024

Hey everyone, Josh here from the Compass product team. If you missed it at Team '24, Compass is in the process of bringing features around managing on-call schedules and alerts directly into the product.

Soon your development teams can manage their on-call rotations and configure 200+ alert integrations that are Compass component-aware to help you find and fix the thing faster. Alerts will show on the activity timeline alongside other events to help triage problems faster, and we'll have rich new screens that allow you to see alerts across teams and components giving you operational visibility across your organization.

Sound interesting? I want to talk with you. I'm looking to understand your current challenges with on-call/alerts, show off what we're working on for feedback, and even give early access to features to those willing to use it and let us know how it's going.

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Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 12.28.20 PM.png

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