I am looking to automate the creation and updating of our Compass components through GraphQL from an external application. From what I can tell there is no way to provide access to the right OAuth scopes to a traditional OAuth application and it must happen through a Forge app. Is that correct?
The workaround I can come up with is create a Forge app with a web hook that accepts the payload I have created and then turns it into the right GraphQL queries, but that seems like an extra step that shouldn't have to exist.
Hi Dan, You should be able to make requests to the compass GraphQL API from anywhere using Basic HTTP authentication with an API token. Compass API doesn't support OAuth yet.
You basically need to send an Authorization header that looks like Basic <value> where value is a base64 encoded string of <your-email>:<your-api-token>
You can generate an API token at https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
I have tried that, but I get a 403 back when using Basic HTTP auth.
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Hi Dan, Could you share the code snippet you are trying to execute?
We may be missing something somewhere. Here is an example node.js (v12) snippet I was able to run and get result from compass GraphQL API
import fetch from "node-fetch";
const getComponentQuery = `
query getComponent($componentId: ID!) {
compass {
component(id: $componentId) {
... on CompassComponent {
... on QueryError {
const makeRequest = async (query, variables) => {
let token = Buffer.from(
).toString("base64"); // replace my-email and my-token with your email and token
const response = await fetch("https://api.atlassian.com/graphql", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-ExperimentalApi": "compass-beta, compass-prototype",
Authorization: `Basic ${token}`,
body: JSON.stringify({
return response.json();
// this should be a component ARI which you can get by clicking the ... on a component overview page and clicking Copy Component ID
makeRequest(getComponentQuery, {componentId: '<a-component-ari>'}).then((response) => {
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I am not in code yet. I'm just building my queries with Banana Cake Pop. I made sure to set the auth header and the experimental API header.
I've been running the following queries:
This one returns a 403:
query listComponents($cloudId: String!) {
compass {
searchComponents(cloudId: $cloudId)
... on CompassSearchComponentConnection {
nodes {
component {
This one works:
query jiraExample ($cloudId: ID!) {
jira {
allJiraProjects(cloudId: $cloudId, filter: {types: [SOFTWARE]}) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
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Update: I copied my same headers and queries into Postman, and it works in there...I'm not sure why Banana Cake Pop is getting a 403, but it seems likely that my tool is just sending up something that the GraphQL Endpoint doesn't like.
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Not really super familiar with Banana Cake Pop, so can't tell whats up there but glad it worked finally!
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