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The dark side to the #OpenRoadOpenRole

Jonathan V. October 6, 2022

Hey everyone,

I have seen several comments (including mine) and posts that tout the benefits of working remotely. I cannot stress how great it can be and how the flexibility offered can truly be liberating and satisfying.

As someone who strives to be fully remote (and will hopefully be so in the next 6 months), I also look at the wonderful benefits it brings.

As a realist though, I also like to highlight the #DarkSide of remote work. What is that you may say? Well, all the things that can go wrong, or that could cause remote work to become a hindrance instead of a benefit.

The idea behind this exercise is to better understand all that remote work entails, so to be better prepared to address the issues if they ever come up, or if management ever brings them up (as they always do).

What are some of the caveats or issues to remote work, and how have you been able to get around them?



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Anne Saunders
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October 6, 2022

The only real downside I've experienced personally is (particularly with new employees) I don't have the same rapport I did with people I worked with in person. It's difficult to recognize the little things that go into a person's communication style when you've never had much face-time with them - like whether a particular phrase is meant as silly or sarcastic or direct...

The only other major drawback I've heard from friends is that for single people, it can be very isolating and lonely. I'm not sure I could handle it without my partner and kids at home most of the time. 

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Jonathan V. October 11, 2022

Thanks Anne.

I agree that when you are remote, some aspects of communication can be difficult.

Someone I spoke to mentioned that one way that they would alleviate this issue is by having regularly scheduled 5-15 min meetings to just chat via video conference about anything (similar to how you would do if getting coffee or water).

It definitely takes more of an effort to try and foster those inter-personal relationships.

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Andy Gladstone
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October 20, 2022

My take on the #DarkSide of remote work may seem simplistic. It's just one persepctive in a multitude of thoughts.

In general the technology IN the office far surpasses that of the REMOTE workspace. Relying on café Wi-Fi or residential Cable/DSL/Fibre networks is never as sure as the commercial installations. What happens when it goes down, you lose connectivity or its just sooooooo daaaaarrrrnnnnn sssssslllllloooooowwwww....? How does that affect your projects? Deadlines? Teammates? How about compensation for time not worked when you normally should be/would be working?

I find that while the home/remote office is enjoyable, the stability is just not yet a match for the office experience.

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Jonathan V. October 21, 2022

I can completely understand, as I have encountered this same issue when working remotely. It definitely can be frustrating to deal with.

The funny thing is that nowadays, most people would not even consider the technology/infrastructure aspect like they would have 10 years ago, and yet, as you pointed out it can still become a pain point.

Thanks for your input Andy.

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Libby Bohan October 23, 2022

The dark side for remote work for me personally is my physical health. I tend to sit in awkward positions, or sit for way too long in front on my computer if I'm on a roll. 

Not having the ideal setup in my home is a challenge. 

I like to take advantage of co-working spaces as they have the monitors, chairs and fancy desk setups, and I can change up my location. 

So, when I notice my posture and aches and pains coming back, I have to be my own PT to coach myself back into more ergonomic options! 

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Jonathan V. October 24, 2022

Thanks for sharing Libby. I can honestly say this is one that I would never have thought about. But it really is important, isn't it. Wow.

Something as small as where and how you sit when working, is something you can take for granted when in an office environment, but as you mentioned, something that requires forethought when working remotely.

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