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Challenge 'Content Bounty' no longer links to an existing page

Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
Community Leader
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September 25, 2024



Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 07.45.54.png


When clicking on the "Do The Mission" link of the Content Bounty challenge, I get the following error:

Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 07.42.09.png

Do others have the same message? Can this be fixed please? Or the challenge removed if it is no longer applicable?

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Holly Scott September 26, 2024

I don't even see it as an option.

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 26, 2024

I don't see it either.

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