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clover flushinterval not working with interval or threaded flushpolicy

Drew NICHOLS April 9, 2012

It seems that the flushinterval directive is not working with clover 3.1.4. When I run the instrumented code in a JVM nothing is writting to the recordings files until the jvm is shutdown. Here's the clover-setup I'm using in ant to instrument the code.

<clover-setup initstring="/opt/tomcat/temp/clover/clover.db" 
              flushinterval="1000" />

Once I start the JVM it creates a file named clover.db.liverec in the same directory as my clover.db file however no coverage data is written until the JVM shuts down.

I've also tried flushpolicy="threaded" with the same results.

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Akram Abboud
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March 28, 2014

In my case, I don't get code coverage even after I shut down Tomcat... Tried with Interval at 5000. Even my liverec file does not go away after I shut down tomcat.. Please help.

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Karthik D
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August 27, 2013

I am also facing the same issue.

Please help.

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