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Intellij Plugin not showing grails class coverage.

Ryan Cornia
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April 27, 2016

I have the intellij plugin. When I run all unit tests for the project within intellij and look at the cloverage window, no grails-app/* classes are shown, only the classes in src/java. 

How do I see the coverage on my grails services, domain objects, etc...?



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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 27, 2016

Hello, that's because IntelliJ plugin doesn't support Groovy coverage. We have open JIRA issue to support this feature

However you can trick IntelliJ to show coverage of groovy classes by running Clover in external process  (like Grails/Ant/Maven) and then configure IntelliJ to look at the clover.db generated by that external process.


Best regards,

Grzegorz Lewandowski

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