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Combining clover coverage for different packges to view the consolidated report for sub-project level coverage?

vinny63 August 4, 2015

Hi All,

We have a large maven project repository  with different teams owning sub-projects.Each sub-project has multiple project.Its looks somewhat like this:

->Project A
->Project B


And in Project A the packages looks somewhat like this

So my question is whether is it possible to see consolidated coverage report for Project A by combining reports for all packages that are of the form*?

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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 4, 2015


If all project A packages are in the Project A directory and this is the maven module then you should be able to generate the report by going into Project A directory and calling:

mvn clean clover2:setup verify clover2:aggregate clover2:clover

You should be able also to generate report only for Project A plugin from the root directory with command:

mvn clean clover2:setup verify clover2:aggregate clover2:clover -pl 'Project A'

I'm assuming here that you have already maven-clover2-plugin configured, if not then please refer to this documentation.


NOTE: By default Clover will generate separate reports for each sub-module and then aggregated one for root, I was helping you with configuration to get it generate reports only for root project, see here.


If you're having problem or any other questions feel free to ask.



Grzegorz Lewandowski 

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