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Clover doesn't generate single clover.db

Padmanabh Sahasrabudhe December 29, 2014

I have following configuration in my pom.xml, I am still seeing that a multiple clover.db files are getting generated in each modules target folder. Am I missing something?






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Marek Parfianowicz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 29, 2014

As per

If true, then a single cloverDatabase will be used for the entire project. This flag will be ignored if a custom cloverDatabase location is specified.


You have the following options:

1) Keep the <singleCloverDatabase>true</singleCloverDatabase> and remove the <cloverDatabase> tag. Database will be written to the /target/clover folder inside the last Maven module compiled.


2) Remove the <singleCloverDatabase> tag and keep the <cloverDatabase> tag with an absolute path declared in it. When instrumenting subsequent modules, Clover will update the same database file as the path is absolute. However, this may have a performance impact if you have have many modules (like few hundreds) and a lot of unit tests (like one thousand or more). This is because a number of coverage recording files created on disk will be roughly equal to: number of clover.db updates * number of tests.

3) Remove the <singleCloverDatabase> and the <cloverDatabase> tags. Instead of this, declare the <mergedCloverDatabase> and call clover2:aggregate at the end of the build (typically after a testing phase), but before report generation. For instance:

mvn clean clover2:setup test clover2:aggregate clover2:clover

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