Hey all,
First off: I'm Peter and I joined @Laurens Coppens and @Steven Schouppe as leader of the Brussels/Belgian Atlassian User Group. I'm excited about this opportunity and I'm looking forward to getting to meet all of you in the future.
But that's not the most important thing to talk about today.
I'm proud to announce that @Mark Cruth will make a stop with his "The State of Teams" Roadshow on Wednesday Nov 30th at 18:00 in Ghent.
To put it in his own words:
"We’ve all been on good teams, but have you ever been on a LEGENDARY one? A team where the potential was limitless and you felt you were doing the best work of your life? Probably pretty rare…
Each year Atlassian conducts its annual State of Teams research to better understand how teams work, and in 2022 the research uncovered the key ingredients that differentiate legendary teams from others. The report was released in November, so what better way to celebrate than with an epic event!
Join us for this highly interactive community event where Mark Cruth, Atlassian's resident Modern Work Evangelist, shares the findings from the 2022 State of Teams report. Come learn what makes a legendary team, as well as participate in a series of exercises that demonstrate practices you can do to help unlock legendary status within your team. This is the "can’t miss" event of the season!"
Some come join us for this interactive and amazing event, I'm already very much looking forward to it! And feel free to invite friends or coworkers!
RSVP here: https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-brussels-presents-b-ace-27-the-state-of-teams-roadshow-with-mark-cruth-from-atlassian/
Peter Van de Voorde
Marketplace Partner Service Provider
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