Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you might find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Created Dec 2, 2020, Last active May 6, 2024
Welcome all to the Boise online group! This group is designed to be a place for us to carry on our discussions from our local community events and serve as a forum to network and ask q...
...eamwork innovation, connect with industry peers, be inspired by other customers' success stories, and share tips and tricks with like-minded people. Join us in Boise on Jun 3, 2024! What y...
Recently moved to the Boise area and just found this group. I was a long time user of Trello which then was purchased by Atlassian and over the years I have purchased, configured and used a l...
Just saying hello to the group. My name is Chance, I work for Built Technologies. The company is Nashville based, but I am remote out of Boise. I am responsible for our Atlassian instance, as well a...
To all members of the atlassian community.
Hi I am new to jira, and would like to install the Jira software to a virtual machine anyone has guide or step by step on how to setup?
...s wrong as seeing Jira and thinking "ohh, a bug tracker, I understand!" You would be dead wrong on both fronts and truly missing the power behind these tools. It's true that out of the box Insight p...
Here is the link to the recording of our July Atlassian Community Event. Thank you @Matt Reiner _K15t_ for a great presentation. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/yfZ4c6m3...
As with any small companies, I tend to wear multiple hats in the software life cycle. I enjoy new thinking and possibilities, not just because it is fun, but also because sometimes it elicits rewardi...
Summit was available to all this year but I know with crazy schedules (between work and life) not all of us were able to watch sessions the week of Summit. So I wanted to share with you some of...
...o we are missing the first few minutes. Sorry!. https://zoom.us/rec/play/uZF_crr7r2o3GNKU5gSDVvcvW43ueKisgCkdqPoIxRu0W3JQMwCgMrQQM7a3V65M3oF-NPbsyAcVQ_nw?autoplay=true&continueMode=true&a...
Hey folks! Based on the popularity of our Portfolio review last week, we have a training coming up (https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-boise-presents-portfolio-for-jira-a-deeper-d...
Has anyone used this Add-on for JIRA? Any tips/tricks/warnings?
There is a webinar coming up on October 16th that may be of interest to some of you. DETAILS Enterprise Service Management is more than just a service portal for internal teams. For organizat...
...nd, as always, there will be swag and food! RSVP at the link below: https://aug.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-boise-presents-extending-jira-service-desk-to-non-tech-teams/#/ I l...
Is anyone using Portfolio and would be willing to chat with me and potentially some of my team members about how you are utilizing it? Or if you decided to use a different add-on then portfoli...
We're having breakfast next Monday at 8AM. We'd love to see you all come out! Details and RSVP can be found at: https://aug.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-boise-p...
I'm a developer mostly working in c#, SQL, some javascript. We use a lot of Atlassian tools: JIRA, bamboo, confluence, bitbucket server, fisheye/crucible, hipchat (in the day). Besides my...
I missed Topic Tuesday! The holiday threw me off, but this gives me a chance to share something I just worked on in Confluence. I had a request from a group to incorporate a floating tabl...
Another week, another Topic Tuesday! Agile has been on my mind a lot lately because I've seen good implementations and bad implementations, but now as a Jira admin it matters more to me whether...
I'm happy to say, I've been having some success finding Atlassian partners that are willing to come to Boise to present at our Community Events. From some of our recent meetings, we put t...
Another Topic Tuesday! Sheesh, time sure flies... So, as I have browsed the other communities here on https://community.atlassian.com, I realized that there are a lot of different types ...
Hey guys, I know we have talked about our current challenges in the community event meetings, but I thought it would be good to have an online repository to document our current pain points. ...
Thank you Wade for putting this together! I am looking forward to exchanging ideas and experiences on here.
Love this new community space & layout...much more engaging UI. What I'm working on in life - some assemblance of balance. What I'm working in my job is seeking out information and mentoring...
This is the Boise Online Community - our very own space to keep the conversation flowing in between our scheduled events. In our Group we can announce upcoming events, share key takeaways (aka selfies), delve deeper into a topic, or just shoot the breeze.
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