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Using API upload file in Bitbucket version Atlassian Bitbucket v5.13.0

Ankush Das December 22, 2023

I am unable to upload files to Bitbucket for the respective branch. The CURL command is working fine for Bitbucket Cloud, but I am not able to find a solution for Atlassian Bitbucket v5.13.0.

curl --location 'http://bit url/rest/branch-utils/latest/projects/test/repos/testrepo/branches' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ODAxMTM1ODASOMETHIGx5QDLIKEyMzQ1' \
--form 'branch="MOR02"' \
--form 'message="MOR02 committed via Bamboo"' \
--form 'DevOps.txt=@"/C:/Users/Adminitrator/Downloads/DevOps.txt"'

Bit Curl API.png
Any suggestion ?

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