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Problems with account recovery

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November 23, 2022

I'm trying to gain access to my Bitbucket account having setup MFA and discovered the issue that it's asking for 2 x MFA tokens; one for Atlassian ID and one for Bitbucket.

Having stuffed this up and losing access to my Bitbucket login I initiated the Recover request as follows:

1. Select the recovery request and receive acknowledgement that a one time link will be sent in 24hrs

2. Received the link and clicked on it which then takes me to the Bitbucket login page

3. Entered my Username and Password expecting as per the instructions that I'd be taken to the two step verification page.  

4. Instead I'm asked to enter a MFA token which I don't have and also the last 24 character emergency token seems to fail

Sooooo, now stuck

Any suggestions on what to do next so I can get to my repositories 


Thanks in Advance


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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 30, 2022

Hi Grant,

Bitbucket uses Atlassian accounts (the ones for for authentication.

At the moment, it is possible to set up 2FA both for a Bitbucket account (from this page: and also for the linked Atlassian account (from this page:

Since you have 2FA enabled for both, I believe that you are initiating the recovery request in step 1 for the Atlassian account. Then, in step 4, you are asked for another 2FA code for the Bitbucket 2FA.

If you don't have access to the authenticator app on your phone that provides you with 2FA codes, then the process you can follow is the following:

1. Initiate the recovery request for the Atlassian account,

After you get the recovery email and manage to log in to, either disable the Atlassian account 2FA or set it up again via

2. The second step is to get access to the Bitbucket account. When you get redirected to Bitbucket 2FA, you will see at the bottom of the screen a link "Forgot code?". Select that in order to initiate the 2FA recovery process for Bitbucket. After 24 hours, you will receive an email. Following the link in that email will allow you to disable Bitbucket 2FA and you can then set it up again if you want.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

Kind regards,

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