Migtating to a MySQL database from MSSQL

Chris Langridge May 21, 2014


I have created a POC for upgrading Stash and i have installed v2.12.3. It currently works fine connecting to a MSSQL DB and can browse my current data. I am looking to migrate from MSSQL to MYSQL which is all installed on the same server. But when i select the Start migration wizard in the DB field and input the current DB details i get this

The target database contains tables which will clash with Stash's tables. Please migrate to a clean, empty database. For kore information about creating a database for use with Stash, please refer to the stash documentation.

My current set up consists of

Windows 2008 R2


Stash v2.12.3

MS SQL2012

MYSQL workbench 6.1 - with new empty database created

My Install directory is sepearte to my data directory and currently everything works fine.

Any advice would be appreciated



2 answers

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Chris Langridge May 27, 2014

Thanks this worked

Peter Van de Voorde
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May 27, 2014

That's great news Chris, could you please accept my answer as the correct one?

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Peter Van de Voorde
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May 21, 2014


You need a completely new MYSQL scheme to import the data into (so not one you've already used to install stash).

Best regards,


Chris Langridge May 21, 2014

Hi Peter, thanks for the quick reply. My current Stash DB is in MS SQL and not MY SQL. I'm looking to migrate to MY SQL.

Peter Van de Voorde
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May 21, 2014

Hi Chris,

Did you fill in the details of your new database (MySQL) when you were executing the migration? Or did you fill in the details of your current database? (Which seems to be the case here).

Best regards,


Chris Langridge May 21, 2014

Hi Peter,

I completed the details of my current database (MSSQL) in the migration


Peter Van de Voorde
Community Leader
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May 21, 2014

Hi Chris,

You need to fill in the details of the database you are migrating to.

Stash already know the details of the database it's migrating from.

Best regards,


Chris Langridge May 21, 2014

Thanks Peter - I'll give this a go. ;-)

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