Migrating Stash from Windows to Linux fails

Samir Latifi
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June 10, 2015

I'm trying to migrate an existing Stash configuration from Windows to Linux. According to the documentation this should be a pretty straight forward process. However after moving the data folder and migrating the database on a start up I'm getting the error messages that some of the tables already exist. Apparently Stash is trying to perform an upgrade, while both versions (on Windows and Linux) are the same, 3.9.2. Any idea why this happens? I've tried migrating from one Windows box to another (and from SQL Server to MySql) and everything works just fine. Already spent several hours trying to figure out what is going on with no luck so far.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2015

Hi Sam,

We recommend you do that by backing up Stash and then restoring it with the backup client. Have a look at the docs below. This process should work:


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