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JIRA and Bitbucket server to enabling and enforce the password policy not on Cloud

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February 24, 2019


Came to know that the Bit bucket server will not allow to enable the Standard password policy.

Is there any solution to enable the Password policy integrate with JIRA?




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Stephen Sifers
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 27, 2019

Hello Niranjan and welcome to the Community.

If I am understanding correctly, you have Jira and Bitbucket integrated and you’re using the Jira user directory for users within Bitbucket. You’re wanting to then enable the standard password policy within Bitbucket.

With this said, you would only need the standard password policy within Bitbucket if your users are not from the Jira user directory. Since the users are synced from the Jira user directory, you should only need to enable the password policy within Jira itself. Since Bitbucket is not managing the users, the enablement of the password policy would not affect any of the users from Jira.

To enable the password policy within Jira, please follow these instructions:

  1. Select the cog > Security.
  2. Click Password Policy in the left panel. Select one of the following options:
    1. Disabled – The equivalent of having no password policy (this is the default).
    2. Basic – Requires passwords to be at least 8 characters long and use at least 2 character types. Rejects passwords that are very similar to the previous password or the user's public information.
    3. Secure – Requires passwords to be at least 10 characters long and use at least 3 character types including at least 1 special character. Rejects passwords that are even slightly similar to the previous password or the user's public information.
    4. Custom – Lets you use your own settings (see below for more information).
  3. Click the Update button to finish.

Source documentation: Manage password security

I hope this proves helpful in enabling your password policies.

Stephen Sifers

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