Is it possible to create pull requset by cmd or restful api?

hh hh
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October 10, 2022

Is it possible to create pull requset by cmd or restful api?

from private fork repository to public repository?

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Atlassian Team
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October 13, 2022

Hi @hh hh 

Welcome to the community.

We currently don't have an API endpoint available to create Pull requests from the forked repository.
The API endpoint here only allows the creation of a new pull request where the destination repository is this repository itself.

We do have an existing feature request on this. Please Vote and Watch the following feature request so that you'll receive an update whenever we have any at:
BCLOUD-20851 - Fork Pull Request API call 

That said, we also don't have any CMD commands to create a Pull request. The only option for the forked repository is to make it via the UI.


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