Installation Touble A Fatal error has occurred

Mary Wilson
November 1, 2012

Start Stash after initial installation and get:

A fatal error has occurred

The following problems occurred which prevents Atlassian Stash from starting correctly:

•Plugin Git SCM Plugin has failed

•Required plugin com.atlassian.templaterenderer.api has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-jira-integration has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.admin has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.templaterenderer.atlassian-template-renderer-velocity1.6-plugin has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.oauth.consumer.sal has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-rest-common has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-rest has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.applinks.applinks-plugin has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.oauth.consumer has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.upm.atlassian-universal-plugin-manager-plugin has failed to start

•Required plugin has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.activeobjects.activeobjects-plugin has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-sal has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.sal has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-scm-request-checks has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-scm-git has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.stash-velocity-helper has failed to start

•Required plugin com.atlassian.oauth.admin has failed to start

•Required plugin has failed to start

2 answers

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Mary Wilson
November 6, 2012

I don't have an answer to this so just uninstalled and reinstalled and am working fine. We're just doing an evaluation, so it was not a big deal to redo.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2012

Hi Mary,

You will need to look through the Stash logs to understand why the app hasn't started. You would be best to raise an issue with our support engineers at where we can help you out.



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