How to link bitbucket pull request and jira tickets? It doesnt seem to be working

October 4, 2024

Occasionally, a jira ticket has a link to a pull request in bitbucket, and occasionally the other way round, so it does work.

However most tickets it does not work.

Lets say the ticket is ABC-123

We always create a branch with the ticket name, e.g.


Checkout -b feature/ABC-123


When we do a pull request, we make sure the branch name is in the first commit, and also in the description and title, e.g. "feature/ABC-123 change to do something".

However it doesnt link.

In bitbucket, the ticket name is highighted, but the link is broken.


Unfortunatley, our org has jira and bitbucket self hosted, so they are probably old versions.

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Charlie Misonne
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October 7, 2024

Hi @SH

Unfortunatley, our org has jira and bitbucket self hosted, so they are probably old versions.

Atlassian is still releasing new versions of Jira and Bitbucket Data Center (not server). So normally your admins should be able to upgrade regularly.
I'm using Jira and Bitbucket on prem at several companies and the link between both is working just fine.

That being said: there is probably an issue in the application link configuration between Bitbucket and Jira. Bitbucket might be linked to another Jira instance where ABCD-123 does not exist.
Or maybe the link to Jira changed in the past and was not updated in Bitbucket.

In short: application link configuration is what I would check first in both applications.

I hope this helps!

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