Enforce naming convention for repository names

Jonas Lindström
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September 1, 2015

I would like to enforce a stricter naming convention for repository names, which I can do by implementing listeners for repository events. This works fine; however, Stash has a built-in validation which runs first. So if the user enters e.g. a name containing '/', an error message in red is displayed:

  Repository names are limited to 128 characters. They must start
with a letter or number and may contain spaces, hyphens,
underscores and periods

If the user corrects the name and tries again, the event listener will run and possibly cancel the repo change again, but with a different error message. This is confusing to the end user. Is there a way of configuring or hooking into the built-in validation?

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Mark McCormack _Adaptavist_
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September 1, 2015


It seems you have mostly succeeded in achieving your aim of enforcing naming conventions. ScriptRunner for Stash solves this particular problem.

If you simply want to view the documentation, you can find how ScriptRunner for Stash achieves this in the Naming Standard Enforcement section.

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