Como faço para transfeir a Administração do Bitbucket para outro usuário e excluir o usuário atual ?

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March 4, 2023

Desejo excluir o usuário atual que criou o repositório BitBucket e transferir o repositório para administração de outro usuário.


Como devo proceder ? 

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 7, 2023

Hi @4kti and welcome to the community!

I checked the details of your Bitbucket Cloud account in our system. The repos belong to your account's personal workspace, and it is not possible to remove the access of your user from this workspace. So, I would advise the following steps:

  1. Ask the user that you want to be the new admin to create a new workspace (steps on how to create a new workspace here:
  2. Afterwards, ask them to give you the workspace-id of the new workspace they created, so you can transfer the repos.
    After you get the new workspace-id, transfer the repositories to the new workspace following this guide:
  3. The admin of this new workspace then needs to accept the transfer request, in order for the transfer to complete

Please keep in mind that after the transfer is accepted and completed, your account will no longer have access to the repo(s), unless the admin of the new workspace grants you access.

The new admin will need to set up user access in the new workspace and also upgrade the workspace's billing plan (if they need more than 5 users with access). You can then downgrade the billing plan of your workspace to Free so that you don't continue paying for a workspace with no repos.

Please keep in mind that after the repositories are transferred, their URL will change. Users who have a clone of repos you are going to transfer on their local machine will need to update the remote URL in each clone. Details are provided in the last section of the page I shared in step 2. If you have any integrations with third-party tools, these may also need to be updated with the new URL of the workspace and repos.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Kind regards,

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