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Can you 'Allow only private forks' on BitBucket server (like you can on BitBucket cloud)?

daveys110 February 21, 2019

On BitBucket cloud you can choose to allow only private forks for a repo...

  • Allow only private forks—Users can fork the repository and those forks will be private.

... is this option available in BitBucket server (self-hosted) edition? If so, from which version is it available as I don't see it on v5.5.0

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2019

Hi David, welcome to the Community!

In Bitbucket Server, that's not possible. However, you're more than welcome to suggest your feature request through our portal.

Hope that helps!


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