I've created a file containing a Terraform Plan via Octopus Deploy
We're using Bitbucket Server as our GIT repo, the Octopus job is triggered from a PR in BB which in turn builds a package in Jenkins that then uploads it to OD
There is a Terraform Plan step in OD that then creates a file containing that Plan, I've just saved it as a text file on the File System that OD runs on which happens to be Windows
I'd like to use Powershell to run Invoke-RestMethod to copy the file from the Windows server to the BB PR
But to intially test this I'd like to run a curl command on a test text file from a linux command line as the syntax is a lot simpler to Powershell
If i then get the curl to work I'd be happy to move onto Powershell, but I've had no success so far even getting the curl to work
curl -u example:pass -X POST https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/example/example.bitbucket.io/src -F example.jpg=@example.jpg
I've tried testing the example above but it seems to be the syntax for what I believe is Cloud API v2.0 which is NOT what we're running, I want to know the equivlant for BB Server 1.0?
I've had a look through the links at the following URL and I still cannot seem to find what I'm looking for - https://developer.atlassian.com/server/bitbucket/reference/rest-api/
I've also looked at this page and tried the example referring to the `attachments` - https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserverkb/how-to-enclose-file-to-pull-request-comment-via-rest-api-952073003.html
Can someone let me know if this is possible and provide an example of the correct syntax and also a link to the documentation I should be looking at if it exists?
I'd also like to know if this is possible, how do I go about letting curl know the PR or branch I want to attach a file to?
The only thing I have got to work is that I created a Personal API Key and I'm using it as Curl Bearer Token to auth against URI's in my BB Server
Many Thanks,