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Bitbucket API authentication returns a 404

Ronald Bolante August 9, 2022

I am trying to authentication to Bitbucket via API based on the details on the link:

I used the example Python code and this is the return

{'message': 'null for uri: https://{baseUrl}/rest/api/1.0/authenticate', 'status-code': 404}


The payload from the sample code also doesn't match the RestUsernamePasswordCredentials data structure.

From sample code:

payload = json.dumps( {

    "credentials": {

        "password": "secr3t",

        "username": "user1" },

    "repositoryId": 2154

} )


The example payload from RestUsernamePasswordCredentials (notice that the credentials is missing):


    "password": "secr3t",

    "username": "user1"



I have tried both payloads and it's still giving me a 404.


Thank you in advance.

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