Hi, my servers are not in Amazon or some similar hosting. How can I deploy my code to a custom webserver? Is there some tutorial for this?
Now I am deploying from my dev server, where I am starting a script, wchich is copyng all the code to my prod server with scp. How to do this from bitbucket deployment?
Hi Martyn, thanks!
I will play a bit with this deployment settings.
I have another question. When I use the steps for example for the branch feature/*
- step:
name: Build feature
- echo "done Tests"
- step:
name: Deploy to staging
deployment: staging
trigger: manual
- sh deploy/deploy.sh "staging" $BITBUCKET_BRANCH
- step:
name: Deploy to production
deployment: production
trigger: manual
- sh deploy/deploy.sh "production" $BITBUCKET_BRANCH
Then I can not deploy direct to production, without to deploy to staging. Is there some possibility, where the QA can choose, where to deploy?
For example I want to set 3 feature servers, where the QA can deploy to test the branch:
Deploy to qa_server1
Deploy to qa_server2
Deploy to qa_server3
At this moment the QA can not deploy direct to qa_server3, without to deploy on qa_server1 and qa_server2 .
How can I solve this?
Hi Nikolay,
One option to try is to use a number of custom pipelines.
Each custom pipeline must be triggered manually, and when you trigger it you can select which pipeline to trigger.
You can read more about custom pipelines here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/configure-bitbucket-pipelines-yml-792298910.html#Configurebitbucket-pipelines.yml-ci_custom
So you could have the following pipelines:
1. Build feature (automatic) - would have only one step from your existing pipeline above*
2. Deploy to qa_server1
3. Deploy to qa_server2
4. Deploy to qa_server3
5. Deploy to production
I hope that helps!
Hi Martyn, how can I add custom script only for the branches feature/*
Is this possible?
Do you mean get a pipeline to run for only some branches?
Here is an example to do just that: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/branch-workflows-856697482.html
If you're trying to get a step to run only for feature/* branches, you could run the custom script for every branch but add logic to the script that only executes certain steps based on the branch name.