RSVP: Hannes Obweger, Fine Software: JXL - Spreadsheet Issue Editing for Jira

This is the 59th of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.


Happy Sunday! Do not forget to RSP for our Monday Night Special tomorrow with Hannes Obweger, CEO and Founder of Fine Software, who will introduce us to JXL and Spreadsheet Issue Editing for Jira.

And no, Excel is still not a project management tool - or at least it shouldn't be - but not for naught have electronic spreadsheets been "killer apps" since 1979, so very excited to see, if JXL has the potential to be a Jira "killer app" (Just to be clear: We wish Jira a long and happy life, even with killer apps around :-) ) 

All the details here:





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