We have been thinking about setting up an in-person event again for a while now (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-User-Groups-articles/RFC-Opening-up-To-meet-how-to-meet-or-not-to-meet-that-is-the/ba-p/1408934), so finally this is an attempt to organize our third in-person event for this year (We had two back in the day, when we still had plans (i.e.: January/February)).
First tentative steps back into the real under pandemic conditions.
We are planning to have a picnic on August 13th, on Tempelhof Airport. Tempelhof provides wide open spaces, we provide an open microphone, you bring your own food and drinks. Let's have a chat about "God and the World" as we say in German and (drum roll) a tombola!
We have some fun prizes - e.g. a limited edition Empress Dragon (TM) Barbie (R) like the one in the picture - to give away.
We want to hear from you how you have been doing since we last saw each other: How is life in the homeoffice? Has Trello saved your sanity? Do you keep a Confluence Diary?
Pandemic means, we need a few rules to keep everybody safe, so read all the details here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYByVw
If you cannot or should not be with us on site, you can join us via Zoom. We will send the link out to all RSVPs on the day of the event.
RSVP (please) here: https://ace.atlassian.com/e/m2eru4/
Looking forward to seeing you again in 3D.
Until then: Stay healthy and the best of times
Hubert & Joerg
our picnic on Tempelhof Airport will happen tonight. Still time to RSVP and check out the details below. A few last minute updates.
You can participate virtually via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqcOqorzorGNOSFz9fYtw8wnZvuFphXrO6
For those of you who will meet us in person, please remember that pandemic rules still apply (s. RSVP) and it is a picnic, so bring your own food and lots of drink. (Beergarden on the airfield are open, we are told, so there is that, we will just have some emergency water.) Because there will be a parallel Zoom meeting, bring a mobile device. May be fun to make this hybrid.
It will be hot (hot!) and there is not a lot of shade. Bring lots of fluids (preferably non-alcoholic, as mentioned we will have some water, but not a lot) and a hat/umbrella would be a good idea. Bring sun screen.
There will be a Tombola (prizes s. here: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYByVw ) but if you want to win something, you have to be there.
Where to find us?
We will "broadcast" our location via Zoom, Twitter (@ACBEBB) and will send out an e-mail to those who RSVPed via Bevy. We will enter through the main entrance at Columbiadamm 124 (https://goo.gl/maps/ckCwpzT1VVVMrP7A7) and will stay in the North Eastern part of the parc towards Neukölln.
Remenber that today is the last day of Formula E racing at Tempelhof Airport so entrances around Platz der Luftbrücke will probably be closed and unfortunately spectators are not allowed Not sure about the schedule (s. here: https://www.fiaformulae.com/ )
So: See you tonight and best regards
Hubert & Joerg