Yippie and welcome!
We have our very own Community Group, so let's get this off the ground with a short introduction.
We are the Atlassian Community in Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany and we are looking forward to use this platform to exchange information with you, answer your questions and discuss the topics that are on your mind. Without your support and participation we are just a logo and we think that this is an ideal place to make new and deepen the discussions with existing friends outside of and beyond our "live" meetings.
Although we are located in Germany, our working language is normally English as our community is from all over the globe (farthest travelled guests - so far - were from Australia), but we can handle discussions in German and Polish, Russian and maybe French, if you accept answers in English for the latter two. ;-).
Just a few rules of engagement:
Be gentle, kind and show respect to all and respect their choices.
In technical discussions, remember that not everybody has been doing what you do since birth and even you had to start somewhere. There are no stupid questions.
We are a colorful bunch and if you have prejudices against somebody's gender (choices), race, sexuality, faith, place of birth etc., we definitely do not and we do not tolerate them in our community.
Where can you find us?
Our home: https://aug-bb.atlassian.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACBEBB
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2u9OXs76GE9HvN6JZIGuOw/
ACE on Bevy: https://ace.atlassian.com/berlin/
Linkedin Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8290881/
You can read all about our plans for 2020 here: AC Berlin Brandenburg: Planning ahead for 2020
So: Welcome, follow, like and constructively critizise us; talk to and with us and hope to meet you in 2020.
Happy holidays - if you are so inclined - and a great 2020 to us all.
@Hubert Kut and Joerg Mueller-Kindt