"After successful stage" trigger is deploying the wrong build result after Release Stage

Ivan Hu
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January 16, 2019


I'm having a bit of trouble with the "After successful stage" trigger for my Bamboo Deployment project.

I have a Deployment project that is associated with a build plan.

The plan is relatively simple. There's a Build Stage and a Release Stage. Release Stage is a subsequent process of the Build Stage.

My build and release stages do not create any artifacts. Instead, they push their built objects to docker and then injects Bamboo variables into the result's metadata. The deployment projects read in these variables to figure out which version of a project to deploy.

I would like to have two triggers that do the following: whenever a build stage completes, the first trigger deploys the completed build stage result. And whenever a release stage completes, the second trigger deploys the completed release stage result.

I thought I could do this by having two "After successful stage" triggers on my target environment. However, I found some strange behavior.

The build stage trigger works correctly. However, after I run a release stage, I see the release stage trigger deploying the previous build stage result instead of the release stage result. I can tell because the bamboo variables are incorrect. 

Strangely enough, if I disable the triggers and run the release stage, I can deploy the correct release stage result by going to Deploy -> Create new release from build result and selecting the successful release build from the "Build result" dropdown.

Also, as an experiment, I tried adding an artifact to my release stage, modified my release deployment process to print out the name of the artifact and turned the "After Build Stage" triggers back on. Sure enough, the deployment triggered by the successful release stage failed to find the artifact created by the release stage. 

Could this be a bug in the "After successful stage" trigger? 

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 18, 2019

Hi @Ivan Hu,

I was studying this problem and running some tests and I can confirm that this issue is caused by [BAM-17819] Deployment Release artifact list not updated when the build plan second stage finish

To avoid this issue you should only automatically trigger the deployment one time per build plan and in that moment (the related stage triggering it) all the artifacts needed for the deployment should be already available.

Another workaround that you already know is creating a new release for the same build plan after all stages are run. This will also fix the issue, but than it is a manual step.

If you want to know more about our bug fix policy, please check Atlassian Server Bug Fix Policy.

Ivan Hu
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 18, 2019

Thanks for the response Daniel!

I voted up the issue. Hopefully it can be fixed soon. 

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 18, 2019

You are mostly welcome @Ivan Hu!

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